2025 Status - Retirement soon

Many years have come and gone since I started
doing Professional Studio Repairs back in 1975...
and went Independent in 1981

And as everyone noticed, the recording scene, the music, the artists,
and the technology have changed... Dramatically so once Covid 19 hit.

For about 40 years, I've been the "go-to-guy" for many things analog
- especially tape recorders in the SF Bay Area....
and I've been flown in to do repairs in Seattle, Altanta, Chicago, Hawaii,
Los Angeles, Nashville, and so on.

But now many many folks have gone over to "the dark side"
and I can't say that I blame you.

The transition to digital storage and reproduction of everything audio was inevitable...
Progress or not, good sound or not, the analog vs. digital debate is now pretty much mute.
Every studio has Digital now.

For "oldtimers" like me, it's a sad state - though I compleltly understand it.

The cost of Audio tape is high, the cost of repairs is high.
Analog equipment is now very old and often worn out....
and the cost of parts - when you can even find them - is also high.

Often Analog Gear is not worth the price of repairs if say
replacment heads are needed.... especially with multi-tracks.

The cold hard truth is that restoring multitrack, and other tape based recorders
is no longer a viable business... The return isn't worth the effort.

2 track Mastering and mix down decks are still worth the costs
- if you are already using them regularly.

With less and less interest in pure analog tape recording,
that so called big "Reel-to-Reel revival" just isn't going to happen.

Almost all studios with 2 inch machines do NOT use them very often - if at all.
Most 24 tracks have become nice looking studio furnature.
Plus everyone is trying to sell off their 2 inch machines now...
but there is little to no market for them.

I have already limited the amount of time I am devoting to
Analog Tape Recorder and Outboard gear repairs now....
as I just turned 74 !!!

Back in 2022 I stopped doing Location studio repairs
except for a VERY few long-time clients.
For the moment I STILL do repairs in my Shop though.

If you are one of the few who expects to remain using Analog Tape
and outboard gear, you should NOT delay repairs and such -
if you can afford it.

I also suggest that you pick-up parts that may help to keep your machines running down the road.
This includes parts such as replacement heads, brake bands, pinch rollers and so on.

The rumors of "semi-retirement" or "Full Retirment" for me are true.
I will, however, to the extent that I am able and actually want to,
continue to support and service Professional Analog Tape Recorders and Analog Outboard gear in my shop...
for some, as yet undetermined time.

But there will be a day perhaps not too far from now - that I will 'hang up my spurs', and walk away...
as the return isn't worth the effort and the time it takes.

But then....You can not be definite about these things.


2025 will likley be the last year I will be working


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